Through the Desert

While I resist this place of remembering; I meander with great courage along this path of storms and monsters -waiting to discover the hidden pieces of my tapestry.  The colors can be majestic, for with this tapestry, I am both creating as well as letting go.  I am building a foundation of Light in my four directions without borders.

I do not want to miss the experience and utter privilege or Being here now,

in humble and steady growth and discovery.

As I surrender to the embrace of this calling to traverse the unchartered reaches of my soul, my strength expands to carry me through the deserts of the unexpected and the remembrance within me.

The desert flowers bloom in the driest wasteland, undisturbed in the silence of its vast reach. I listen for the gentle voice that emerges like a compass to guide me through.

The salty sweat teases my senses, as I grasp for the true Waters to nourish me. In the stillness, the shackles of slavery fall away, as I sink deeply into the Heart of my True Self.

Within, I See.

With bold vision

I cross the aching valleys

joined in eternal wonder.



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